Famylje (2004-2010)
The family of the Dutch photographer Eva Gjaltema comes from the Westerkwartier,
a rural area on the border between the Dutch provinces of Groningen
and Friesland, where they have been active for generations in agriculture and
raising livestock. In 2004, shortly after the death of her father, Gjaltema began to
record the lives of her grandparents, in order to preserve the family’s history,
but also to show a way of life that was dying. Using various techniques and
cameras, she expresses feelings of love, sorrow, anger and powerlessness.
For this she draws on her own images, but also documents and photographs
from the family archive and the new owners of the land. The result is a dialogue
between generations, and an ode to a way of life symbolic of the whole
countryside of the Northern Netherlands.
The installation ‚Famylje’ was nominated for the ‚Dutch Doc Award’ and
exhibited at the Noorderlicht Photofestival in 2010. In 2015 the artist book
‚Famylje’ was part of the group show ‚Farming Folk’ in the Fotomuseum Den
Haag. In ‚world in a room’ Gjaltema will show a new installation of the work
for the first time in Germany.
Eva Gjaltema (*1979, Zwolle) completed her Bachelor of Arts at the Royal
Academy of Arts in the Hague in 2008, after finishing a Masters in Cultural
Studies at the University of Amsterdam. Her final exam work ‚wrang’ was selected
as ‚best of photography departments art academies Netherlands 2008’ from
the Amsterdam Centre of Photography (ACF). She won the ‚Post Middendorp
Stipendium’ to be able to create the work ‚Knoalster’, which was presented as a
solo show in the Noorderlicht Photogallery. Her work has been shown in various
international solo, duo and group shows. She is living and working in Berlin since
2012 and since 2016 is a member of the Projectspace for Photography ‚exp12’.
world in a room
Brunhildstraße 7 · 10829 Berlin
T +49 175 8147 764
E mail@worldinaroom.de
W www.worldinaroom.de
Fri & Sat 14-18h. Admission free
June 17 – August 26, 2017
Opening: Friday, June 16, 2017, 19h
Artist Talk: Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 19h